
Regulations for visiting the Lumina Park in Eindhoven

Lumina Park is a temporary open-air exhibition, open depending on the location, from October 26, 2023 to February 25, 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the “Park”).
We ask all visitors to follow the rules below to ensure a safe and pleasant stay in our park.
All persons intending to stay in the Park are required to read and follow these Regulations. Staying in the Park means knowledge and absolute acceptance of these Regulations.
The regulations of the Park are available at the Park’s information point and on the Park’s website / Park’s social media.
Admission conditions and fees

1. The exhibition is open from Monday to Sunday from October 26, 2023 to February 25, 2023, except: December 24 and 31, 2023 (the exhibition will be closed on these days).
2. The Illumination Park is open from Tuesday to Sunday between 4:00 PM and 9:00 PM (last admission at 8:00 PM).
3. The park may be closed due to sudden weather changes (including strong gusts of wind and rainfall). Information will be available on the Park’s social media. In the event of a sudden deterioration of the weather, visitors should follow the instructions of the park employees, including the order to leave the park immediately.
4. The exhibition may be closed due to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Poland caused by force majeure related to the coronavirus pandemic announced in the territory of the Republic of Poland.
5. Visitors to the Exhibition are required to purchase an admission ticket. Tickets are available on the website: / or at the ticket offices in the Parks. Ticket offices are open from Monday to Sunday from 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Tickets purchased online are in electronic form.
1. The catalog of entitlement to a discount when purchasing a ticket is included in Art. 10 sec. 3a. Act of November 21, 1996. (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020, item 902).
2. Children under 2 years of age do not pay admission to the Lumina Park area.
3. Tickets can be purchased in advance online for the day.
4. Tickets are valid only on the day for which they are issued.
5. The ticket entitles you to enter once. After leaving the exhibition, the ticket loses its validity and cannot be used again.
6. The purchased tickets are not refundable or exchangeable, subject to point 12.
7. The reimbursement of costs for purchased tickets may be made only if the Park has been closed on the day the ticket is valid. In this situation, in order to receive a refund, please send a message to:
8. On public holidays (11/11, 06/01), and during the christmas period (24.12-6.01) weekend ticket prices are valid.
Photographing and filming

- Photographing and filming at the exhibition for private purposes is possible, as long as it does not disturb the tourist traffic and does not disturb visitors, and does not damage plants, exhibits and park equipment, and does not cause damage to other visitors (physical or related to the protection of personal rights). In such a situation, there is no need to notify about shooting or filming.
- It is allowed to take photos with a tripod, but you should pay special attention so that it does not cause a danger or reduce the comfort of visiting for other people staying in the Park.
- It is forbidden to use drones and powered hangers over the Park.
- Taking photos and videos for commercial purposes is possible only after obtaining the consent of the Management Board of Lumina Sp z o.o. The cost of a commercial photo session in the Lumina Park area is PLN 350, payable before the session at the ticket office at the entrance, upon prior reservation and by contacting
- Photographing and filming of parts of the security systems is prohibited.
- Lumina Park is not responsible for infringement of personal rights by third parties or causing damage to them due to taking photographs and filming.
Presence of children and minors

- Children and minors may stay in the Park only under the care of adults who take full responsibility for their safety.
- Guardians or parents are responsible for the behavior of minors and for the legal safety of children.
The presence of animals

- Dogs may stay in the Park in Zamek Topacz and in Bydgoszcz, provided that the dog owner / dog companion uses a leash and a muzzle. Dogs are not allowed in the Lumina Park in the Botanical Garden in Lublin and in the Dendrological Garden in Poznań.
- It is forbidden to catch, scare away and feed animals in the wild living in the park, which are staying in the park.
- Animals cannot pose a threat to other Visitors.
- The owner / companion of the dog should remove the dog’s droppings if necessary. In the event of non-compliance with this provision, the visitors and the dog will be removed from the Park.
- Dogs cannot enter exhibitions, they should be under the constant supervision of the owner / companion of the dog.
- The owner / companion of the dog is responsible for any damage, property damage, injuries, injuries caused by the dog while staying in the Park.

- 1. For the safety of visitors to the park, it is forbidden to run, ride bikes (including children’s bikes) and also use skateboards, scooters, roller skates, sledges, etc.
2. Several decorative elements are available in the exhibition area, which you can enter to take a photo of yourself. It is forbidden to climb onto decorations that are fenced off with barriers. It is forbidden to move the decorations.
3. It is forbidden to touch electrical devices, cables, wires and elements supplying decorations.
4. On days with unfavorable weather conditions (including black ice, heavy snowfall), special care should be taken.
5. The exhibition is constantly monitored by security personnel, cameras and security systems. People entering the Park are aware of this and agree to be monitored.
6. Smoking and the use of fragrances that are harmful to the environment is forbidden in the park.
7. People disturbing the peace and order and not complying with these regulations, including the provisions of sec. 7 may be deprived of the right to visit the exhibition without reimbursement of admission costs and shall be liable for material damage.
8. Qualified security staff have the right to intervene and call people who do not comply with these regulations to leave the Park. Visitors are not entitled to any claims in this respect.
9. Visitors to the Park are kindly asked to follow the instructions and comments of Park employees who are responsible for safety.
10. It is forbidden to bring and use pyrotechnics, explosives, harmful chemicals and the like in the Park.
11. Visitors are obliged to strictly comply with the health and safety rules and fire regulations of the Park. It is forbidden to light fireworks, fireworks, cold fires, firecrackers, etc., start a fire, make a bonfire, light a barbecue and similar activities in the entire area of the Park.
12. The organizer of the exhibition in the Park is not responsible for the behavior of visitors under the influence of alcohol, who take full responsibility for their behavior, damages and injuries sustained while visiting the Park.
13. It is forbidden to touch the exhibition, wiring or spotlights in the Park.
14. In the Park, it is forbidden to pollute or litter the Park, destroy greenery, including entering green areas, unless the area is clearly marked as intended for Visitors.
15. Any behavior discriminating against other Visitors (including racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia or homophobia, etc.) is prohibited in the Park.
16. In the event of suffering any injury or bodily injury, regardless of its nature, please contact the Park staff.
17. It is forbidden to breach or destroy objects belonging to the Park or other people.
18. A person staying in the Park shall be fully financially responsible for any damage, including personal damage, and property damage caused by his fault.
19. Each visitor is responsible for their own belongings brought into the Park, including glasses, mobile phone or smartphone, backpack, laptop, etc. The Park is not financially responsible for any damage and / or loss of the said items, also if they are left in the Park. The Park, as well as in its surroundings, in parking lots or in other places adjacent to the Park area.
20. Items lost or left in the Park, if found by an employee of the Park or given by a third party, can be picked up at the cash desk within 30 days from the moment they are found. After this date, lost items will be transferred to the Lost and Found Office at ul. Templariuszy 1, in Ślęza, 55-040 Kobierzyce.
21. The Park is not liable for any damage caused by force majeure, natural forces, weather conditions or other causes of force majeure, the sole fault of the injured party or a third party.
22. The Park is not responsible for any power, gas, water or other utilities supply interruptions, as well as for any inconvenience that may arise therefrom.
23. There may be fires in the Park. It is forbidden to approach the fire at a distance of less than 2 meters.